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A Google pályázatot (external link) írt ki az emberiség megsegítésére. Elvileg 2009-01-27 -én teszik közzé a kiválasztott elsõ 100-at, amibõl az internetes közösség választja ki a legjobbat. Némi információt nyújt arról, hogy a google milyen mértékben áll a pénzoligarchia irányítása alatt. Ha nem lesz benne egyetlen, a pénzreformmal kapcsolatos javaslat sem, vagy lesz, de erõsen félrevezetõ javaslat: ez utóbbi jött be !

Most már tudjuk: http://www.project10tothe100.com/vote.html a google nem segíti megoldani hanem elkeni a problémát (external link)
Nem azt mondja, hogy a pénzkínálat keletkezésére kell egy alternatív megoldás, ahol a társadalom teremti a pénzt, hanem a bankokkal együttmûködve "build better banking services" ... Ez félrevezet. Persze lehet azt gondolni, hogy biztos azért fogalmaz ilyen "királynõt megölni nem kell félnetek jó lesz..." stílusban, hogy a bankok is hagyják érvényesülni. Bárcsak így lenne, és mutatna valamiféle megoldást. Erre az esély, stílususan 10 ** -100

  • 300 szó (+néhányszor 150 szó megjegyzés: kinek jó, hogyan lehet elkezdeni, stb.)
  • +30 másodperc video (opcionális) GoogleContestVideo
    • Dora javaslata: Queen zenére, Is this the world we created ?
  • összdíj:10 millió dollár, a kiválasztott 5..10 projekt elindítására
  • természetesen az igazi tét ennél nagyobb

Angol video-pályázattal indulunk, nyilvánosan auditálható pénzrendszer és reputációs rendszer koncepcióval.

  • A google pályázatot írosgatjuk, 2008-10-18 (szombat egész nap, Budapesten)
  • Angol, google végső határidő: 2008-10-20

Fair money supply: public audit+community currency

  1. 10. What one sentence best describes your idea? (maximum 150 characters)
Only fair money creation can eliminate the number 1 defect, which concentrates wealth and power, destructing societies and the global environment.

  1. 11. Describe your idea in more depth. (maximum 300 words): GoogleContestDescribe

  1. 12. What problem or issue does your idea address? (maximum 150 words)
Only honest and auditable ("democratic") money creation can eliminate the number 1 defect in the world economy. The creation of the money supply through fractional reserve banking is tool nr1 to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a few, who don't need it, and cannot responsibly control it, resulting in the destruction of societies and the global natural environment, potentially ruining our civilization in the long run.
"We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." -Louis Brandeis ...

  1. 13. If your idea were to become a reality, who would benefit the most and how? (maximum 150 words)
Future generations could inherit an inhabitable planet. Around 95% of people today will be better off with an honest monetary system: less stress, less sweatshops, more reasonable allocation of human and natural resources, more time for families, friends, education and entertainment. More stability, more freedom, more security, more consciousness. The secondary effects through less manipulation of information dissemination, and more humane scientific research are beyond imagination. The first step to sustainability is a sustainable economy with a sustainable money supply, without the cancer that requires unsustainable growth.

  1. 14. What are the initial steps required to get this idea off the ground? (maximum 150 words)
Distribute easy to apply methods (software and know-how) to create liquidity, and make it convertible. Easier with a community (eg. LETS+ripple or LETS+clearinghouse). Without a community, if new players want to fine-tune trust in individual currencies, we also need an automated market for real-time conversions to make the currencies convertible and easy to use. Local advantages are important to people (lower costs on interest and taxes, more transaction opportunities = lower unemployment), that also help the society (extinguish debt, lower costs on interest and taxes, more transaction opportunities = lower unemployment) and help stable economy and environmental justice. A pyramid scheme could be applied to make the local advantages more appealing to early adapters. Usually, in a pyramid scheme, the late-joiners lose. In this case, the advantage comes not from the game, but from acquiring the technology (consider participation in the pyramid game as a small licence fee).

  1. 15. Describe the optimal outcome should your idea be selected and successfully implemented. How would you measure it? (maximum 150 words)
The cost paid for money creation (when paid to the money creator but redeemed in goods/services by others) would drop to a fraction (currently ~20% of the GDP). Participating in transactions (earning an income for a living) would be much easier, especially for the currently poor. As a side effect, information dissemination could be revolutionized: much more immunity to noise (the dominant method today is injecting intelligent sounding noise that is hard to distinguish from valuable information). How to compare to the avoided alternative: collapse of our civilization due to the effects of money supply created via fractional reserve banking. "We are absolutely without a permanent money system. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon." — Robert H. Hamphill, Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank


Created by: admin. Last Modification: 2009-09-28 (Mon) 15:41:53 CEST by cell.